Portugal offers a variety of pathways for obtaining a residence permit

As of my last update in April 2023, Portugal offers a variety of pathways for obtaining a residence permit, each tailored to meet different needs, including those of retirees, investors, entrepreneurs, students, and digital nomads. While the specifics of these programs may evolve, the core options provide a comprehensive 8framework for those looking to call Portugal home. This article outlines the primary ways to obtain a Portuguese residence permit in 2024, reflecting the diverse avenues available to prospective residents.

1. Golden Visa Program

The Golden Visa program remains one of the most popular routes for non-EU/EEA/Swiss nationals to gain residency in Portugal. It requires a significant investment in the country, such as purchasing real estate, making a capital transfer, or creating job opportunities. The program offers a fast track to residency with minimal requirements regarding the amount of time spent in the country, making it especially attractive for those who do not plan to live in Portugal full-time.

2. D7 Visa: Passive Income or Retirement Visa

Ideal for retirees and remote workers, the D7 Visa is designed for individuals with a stable passive income, such as pensions, rental earnings, or investment income. Applicants must demonstrate they can support themselves financially without the need for employment in Portugal. This visa is a favorite among digital nomads and those seeking to enjoy Portugal’s lifestyle while maintaining their income sources from abroad.

3. D2 Visa: Entrepreneur or Freelancer Visa

The D2 Visa caters to entrepreneurs, freelancers, and independent service providers who wish to establish a business or offer services in Portugal. Applicants must present a viable business plan that contributes to the Portuguese economy and have sufficient funds to sustain themselves and their business. This route is particularly suited to those looking to tap into Portugal’s growing market and business-friendly environment.

4. Tech Visa

Aimed at attracting skilled professionals to fill shortages in the tech sector, the Tech Visa simplifies the process for non-EU/EEA/Swiss tech professionals to work in Portugal. Companies recognized as Tech Visa sponsors can hire foreign tech talent, facilitating their and their family’s residency in Portugal. This program underscores Portugal’s commitment to innovation and technological development.

5. Student Visa

For those looking to pursue higher education, the Student Visa provides a pathway to residency in Portugal. Applicants must be accepted into a Portuguese educational institution and demonstrate sufficient funds to cover their tuition and living expenses. This visa also allows students to work part-time, making it a practical option for younger individuals seeking both education and work experience in Portugal.

6. Family Reunification

Portugal’s family reunification policies enable current residents to bring their family members to live with them in Portugal. This pathway requires the primary holder to have a valid residence permit and prove they can provide for their family members financially and offer adequate housing.

7. StartUp Visa

Designed for entrepreneurs interested in launching startups in Portugal, the StartUp Visa targets non-EU/EEA/Swiss nationals with innovative business ideas. Applicants must demonstrate their startup’s potential for job creation and economic growth in Portugal. Successful candidates receive support from designated incubators across the country.

Application Process and Considerations

Regardless of the pathway chosen, applicants must typically submit a detailed application, including proof of income, health insurance, and a clean criminal record, among other documents. The process can vary significantly depending on the visa type, so it’s crucial to consult with immigration experts or the Portuguese consulate or embassy in your home country for the most accurate and current information.


Portugal offers a diverse array of options for those seeking residency, each with its own set of requirements and benefits. Whether you’re drawn by the promise of sunny skies, a vibrant culture, or business opportunities, Portugal’s welcoming approach to new residents makes it an attractive destination for people from around the globe. As policies and programs evolve, staying informed on the latest developments will be key to a successful application in 2024 and beyond.