

Недвижимость в Португалии: Покупка и Аренда

Número de NIF em Portugal

Налоговый Номер NIF в Португалии

Помощь в Получении Визы D8 для Цифровых Кочевников в Португалии

Виза D7 – пассивный доход.

Visto D7

Visto D8 para Nômades Digitais

Secure Your Portugal Residence Permit with Our Expert Assistance

Are you considering obtaining a residence permit in Portugal? Look no further! Our team is here to provide comprehensive support to help you navigate the process smoothly. Explore the available options and discover the required documents for each.

Available Options for Portugal Residence Permit

1. Golden Visa:

The Golden Visa program offers residency in Portugal through investment in real estate or business. Key requirements include:

  • Investment in Portuguese real estate or business
  • Financial self-sufficiency
  • Official documentation regarding the source of funds

2. Work Contract Residence Permit:

This permit is available to foreign workers with an official employment contract with a Portuguese employer. Key requirements include:

  • Job offer from a Portuguese employer
  • Financial self-sufficiency
  • Medical insurance coverage

3. Retirement Residence Permit:

Portugal offers favorable conditions for retirees seeking residency. Key requirements include:

  • Sufficient pension or retirement income
  • Medical insurance coverage
  • Proof of address in Portugal

4. Entrepreneur Residence Permit:

This permit is available to foreign entrepreneurs launching their businesses in Portugal. Key requirements include:

  • Business plan
  • Investment in the Portuguese economy
  • Financial self-sufficiency

Required Documents for Portugal Residence Permit

When applying for a residence permit in Portugal, you may need the following documents depending on the chosen option:

  • Passport with valid expiration date
  • Investment or employment contract documents
  • Financial documents (bank statements, income certificates, etc.)
  • Medical insurance certificate
  • Marriage certificate (if applicable)
  • Other documents specific to your situation

Start Your Journey to Portugal Residence Permit Today!

Don’t miss the opportunity to secure your residence in beautiful Portugal. Contact us today, and let our team assist you in choosing the right option for obtaining a Portugal residence permit. We’re here to provide you with all the support you need at every step of the process!